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Showing posts from December, 2023

Simple steps to deal with your sleep problems

  Whether it’s down to anxiety, stress, a poor sleeping pattern or you’re just very unlucky finding yourself staring at the ceiling as the clock ticks by is something no one will enjoy. Everyone needs a goodnight’s sleep but achieving that isn’t always easy. So, what should you do if you suddenly find yourself unable to get to sleep? Well, thankfully there are a number of things you can do to help you get back to sleep. So, if you suddenly find yourself tossing and turning in bed try some of these tips. Listen To Nature  Okay, this one might sound a little strange but don’t worry you don’t have to actually go outside. Listening to ambient sounds especially nature sounds might sound like it will just keep you awake but there is actually a lot of evidence to show that these sounds do help you sleep! It is believed that nature sounds achieve this because the constant sound is registered as non-threatening by your brain. So, on a subconscious level, these sounds help reduce the fl...

Choose Carefully the People around You

 # Much of what we do is moved by how we want people to see us. We find ourselves forced into social roles that are shaped by the reactions or expectations of those around us. A child will attempt to gain the affection of his parents by exhibiting good behavior. A friend will go along with his peers to continue enjoying a sense of belonging in their presence. And a professional will try to advance his career so that those who know him will regard him as a success. We desire acceptance. We seek positive feedback. Some of us even crave the attention and praise of the significant people in our midst. Our identities are fashioned by the importance we ascribe to how people regard what we say and do. And it is for this reason that we should reflect carefully on the kind of people with whom we associate. Because these individuals will be the people whom we will unavoidably attempt to please. People are by nature tribal. What this means is that once we have identified with a particular gro...

How To Get Happiness Back In Your Life: 11 Best Questions To Ask Yourself

  Questions that you can ask yourself today, that will shift your perspective and will teach you how to get happiness back in your life by focusing on the right things.  How To Get Happiness Back In Your Life: 11 Best Questions To Ask Yourself Eleven simple questions you can ask yourself today that will inspire you to look for the good in life — things that are already working in your life now, and will make you appreciate and recognize them for their benefit and value. These questions will teach you how to get happiness back in your life by focusing on the right things. As life gets busy or when sudden misfortunes arise, these things are sometimes overlooked and left unnoticed amidst the chaos of everyday living. Take the time to answer these questions below and feel how much you have to be thankful for right now. This will help shift your perspective by looking for what’s satisfying wherever you are, instead of what is missing, lacking, or not working. Let’s jump right in! Q...

Happy people are more willing to tackle social problems

  A new study suggests that happy people—far from being self-centered or disengaged—are more willing to tackle social problems. There’s a stereotype about people seeking happiness—that all they care about is themselves. They look at the world through rose-colored glasses, and so they refuse to see suffering. If we want to motivate people to care about righting social wrongs, the thinking goes, then we must stoke people’s anger and fear. Now a new study refutes that narrative. According to the study’s findings, happier people seem to be  more  likely to take social action than their less happy peers.
 Researchers surveyed three different groups of people to see how generally happy they were, then gauged how much they cared about a particular social issue. They also had people report on actions they’d taken in response to the issue, their future plans to take action, and, in some cases, their willingness to sign up on the spot to participate in social action. The ...

The Art of Motivating People to Action

  Talk about 4 things. Justification:  we make a judgment that we have been wronged, hence we need to retaliate. If we think about it, we have justified each of our actions (or inaction). Sometimes we say it was necessary or unavoidable. Sometimes, we assume an impact which may or may not really happen. Alternatives:  typically, violence seems to be the only alternative. This comes out of a lack of emotional control, where we are so much into the emotion that we cannot perceive any other option. Consequences:  whether we can live with the consequences of the act. In fact, if we are afraid of further retaliation, we may not act. Ability:  do we have the confidence to use our body or a substitute (knife, gun or another person) to achieve the results. When we talk about motivating others, the justification is the end result (either we want to avoid the pain or go towards pleasure) or what we want to get the person to do. How we achieve the end result, are our ...

How to control your temper and be anger proof

  Tips on managing anger – techniques on how to control your temper and cultivate peaceful responses to challenges and difficulties, be it people or situations in your everyday life.  When you are not able to control your anger, it controls you. It can get destructive both for you and for others. A little bit of self-awareness and deliberate attention will go a long way. Because as you give in to anger, you are giving away your true strength. In this article, I will be sharing 10 tips on managing anger – techniques on how to control your temper and cultivate peaceful responses to challenges and difficulties, be it people or situations in your everyday life — 10 ways on how to not easily give in to the emotion of anger and to take hold of your inner balance more consciously, or in other words, be “anger-proof”. 1. Have a happiness that is self-fueled. When you come to a decision with yourself that you are taking responsiblity for your own happiness (that is, you are deliberatel...

How to have an Impectul personality

  Have you at any point watched individuals who are the focus of fascination constantly? They have that wonderful quality because of which individuals get pulled in to them. All in all, how would they figure out how to do this? All things considered, the appropriate response is straightforward they have a represented character. The air that they have isn't just discovered that is simply the impression of their inward. All things considered, the truth of the matter is anybody and everybody can really grow such character, yet for that, you need to get familiar with all the necessary aptitudes which will assist you with excelling in this craftsmanship. Come we should investigate what are the potential ways by which anybody can get an extraordinary character improvement. Regardless of whether you are a self observer or have low certainty, this workmanship can be learned and drilled till greatness. This article will go through the best tips and approaches to have that astonishing alluri...

Overcoming Doubt , Doubt is the absence of Truth

  The one true threat to the longevity of a relationship is doubt. Trust is the foundation without which a relationship cannot exist. Doubt is the absence of trust. Whether or not there is a reason to doubt your partner’s fidelity, the end result is the same. Once there is doubt, you are robbed of your peace of mind. Often, it is the insecurity of one of you in the relationship that creates this doubt. Due to some flaw in your personality, perhaps caused by parental neglect, you tend to automatically doubt the dependability of any relationship. Or it could be that you had previously been traumatized by an unfaithful partner and you haven’t fully recovered yet. In such cases, it is necessary for you to heal fully before you enter into a new relationship. The presence of doubt gives rise to questions that produce more doubt. And this leads to a downward spiral of increasing misery. If you see yourself being pulled into this spiral, there are only two things you can do, kill the doubt...

Positive Affirmations for Health and Wellness

  Positive affirmations for health and wellness that you can easily recite daily wherever you are. This will help you be on your way to an energized health, and a more vibrant, radiant you. For years, many scientific studies have proven how the words that we speak have a significant effect on how we feel and on what kinds of energies we are sending to the cells in our body. Positive thoughts, words, and intentions have shown to greatly boost the positive flow of well-being all throughout our physical apparatus. And in this post are 25 positive affirmations for health and wellness that you can easily recite daily wherever you are, and help you be on your way to an energized health, and a more vibrant, radiant you. Let's start affirming. I am happy and grateful for my wonderful body. I am enjoying my great health and vitality. I feel radiant and beautiful in my body now. I am enjoying my natural wellness and vibrance. I am radiating and vibrating happiness all around me. My body is i...

Best Approach to stop thinking Negative though in mind

  Are you sick of negative thoughts? use these 5 best tips to overcome through negative thoughts and get positivity around you. Have a positive attitude towards rejection Usually, you are always attracted to negative thoughts, when we got rejection in life. Rejection can be anything when you go to an interview for a job and is rejected by the interviewer. I know it hurts a lot but you have to have a positive attitude so that you understand that rejection is a skill. No one will be good without being rejected. WhatsApp founders Brian Acton and Jan Koum appealed to Facebook for a job and were rejected by Facebook after leaving Yahoo. After being rejected he held a positive outlook or mindset and decided to develop a real-time messaging app called WhatsApp. And you believe that this app became famous in a very short time and later on 19 February 2014 Facebook acquired WhatsApp. Always keep a positive attitude even when placed in disapproval like WhatsApp founder Brian Acton and J...

Starting from scratch: Where to begin ?

  The world is clearly divided on the matter of running – some hate it, others love it. While some would do the harshest of dead lifts to dodge their trainer’s mandate to run on the treadmill, others would rather be running than doing anything else inside the gym (and even outside). Differences aside, running is one of the most effective cardio exercises and going by the term ‘runners high’, it is indeed one that gives a high adrenaline rush too. Now if you happen to be a beginner and are seriously considering running the marathon, don’t jump the gun. You have to first learn about the correct running posture and then prepare yourself to run the marathon. We spoke to Daniel Vaz, NRC (NIKE Run Club) coach to learn the basics. Running posture: Dos and don’ts DO NOT LAND ON THE HEELS:  When you run, your feet go through immense pressure. For example, in a minute, a runner strides 60 times on one foot at a force, which is 3-4 times your body weight. Now if you land on your heel, th...

How to Stay Positive And Easily Manifest Your Desire

  Ways on how to stay positive in life – daily habits that you can adopt in your thoughts and actions in order to create a positive atmosphere around you and easily manifest your desires into reality.   Ten effective ways on how to stay positive in life – daily habits that you can adopt in your thoughts and actions in order to create a positive atmosphere around you and easily manifest your desires into reality. These are simple manifestation techniques that can assist you in amplifying the momentum of positive energies in your daily life and thereby greatly help in aligning with what you want. #1. Be a conscious self-soother. Talk yourself into leaning towards the positive. Whenever negative circumstances arise and you are inclined to go into negative thinking, begin going general in your thoughts, instead of deliberately going deeper into the negativity. Practice talking to yourself in a soothing and kind manner, just like talking to your inner child, and say to yoursel...

6 Ways How To Get Out Of Your Own Way , Law of Attraction

  Ways on how to get out of your own way when manifesting your desires- six tips that will let you discover the secret to law of attraction, and how to help instead of hinder, the coming of what you've asked for. This will establish more trust in your own well-being and manifesting power. The secret to Law Of Attraction is to be in a state of allowing and aligning with the energy of what you want, and releasing any resistance that may get in the way of your manifestation success. Many times as you manifest your dreams, you may be doing things that block the flow of progress of the things you want to come about. And these contradictions in energy within you can stand in the way of manifesting your desires. In this article, I'll be sharing with you 6 ways on how to get out of your own way - six tips that will help instead of hinder, the coming of what you've asked for, and will establish more trust in your own well-being and manifesting power. 1. Let go of the awareness of wh...

Society Teach Us Choose Yourself

  Society teaches us to value the welfare of others over our own. And this is often the reason why we feel conflicted when faced with a choice between helping others and helping ourselves. In the e... Society teaches us to value the welfare of others over our own. And this is often the reason why we feel conflicted when faced with a choice between helping others and helping ourselves. In the end, we usually choose other people. We enjoy the feeling of being magnanimous and charitable when we help others. It provides us with a sense of fulfillment. Giving to others makes us feel that life is meaningful. But sometimes we go too far. Even when we have nothing left to give, we still do. We forget ourselves. We exchange our priorities, our plans and our ambitions for those of others. We fail to set limits and sacrifice too much for other people. As a result, whatever time, money or energy that is meant for ourselves we give to those around us. Do we really become fulfilled when we do th...